Totally Obscure.

I have no idea if it's just me, but is the future of our world turning more and more sluttier? Our teenagers these days prance around in mini-skirts, "booty" shorts, and cut-off tops thinking it's cool. The sad part about it is: Half these teenagers are pushing about 250lbs around their stomach and thighs.
I do not wish to be brutal- mostly because I was one of these obscene teenagers once, however I have got to adress this NASTINESS! I was a chunky kid, I'll admit, but I've NEVER wore the crap these Idiots' of the Future wear. What is "sexy" about your belly hanging down to your knees? Do guys think that kankles are the hottest- new "trend"?
Most people are afraid to adress this, mostly because they are cowards, but I am serious. I am not picking on the rather "fat" kids, oh-no. I am speaking of the 13- 17 year old girls that weigh wayyyy to much to fit in a size 6. Diet and excersize is what this country needs, right? DO IT. Then maybe I'll be able to keep from barfing everytime I go in wal-mart. People who try to loose that "extra" weight- your good in my book. But the fatty- mc- fat- fats that you see hanging out of their jeans while scarfing down 6 hot dogs...Now that's a different story. It feels good to loose weight and fit in a lower size, why wouldn't these people try it? Sure, I may like a lil' fatty ice-cream every now and then, but then again - I dont weight over 398lbs. I have the right to eat what I want to, because I know when to stop. Maybe these "kids" should get the funnel out of their mouth and quit shoving the twinkies down their throat. I'm telling you, the Ding-Dongs and Snowballs are seriously effecting their brains.
Always yours,
Karmillia's Vane...